NEP 2020
Gauhati University
Gauhati University
Gauhati University will be implementing educational programmes structured under NEP-2020 from this Academic Session i.e. from 2023. It has been a quite a bit of challenge to roll out the NEP-enabled programme, especially with over more than 300 affiliated colleges ranging across the length and breadth of the State of Assam.
Our flagship programme under NEP 2020 will be the Four-Year Undergraduate Programme, code named GU-FYUGP (or FYUGP), which is the four-year Bachelor's Degree programme with multiple entries and exits. This is being implemented in all affiliated colleges under Gauhati University as well as in the University Campus. With over more than 40 (forty) diverse subjects under the programme, this has been one of the biggest academic exercises, the university has carried out since the implementation of the semester system in undergradute level. All admissions to the Bachelor's Degree programme under Gauhati University from the forthcoming academic session i.e. 2023-23 (starting in August 2023) will be under the GU-FYUGP.
As we progress through our implementation roadmap, you will be able to see the forthcoming developments and updates through this website (
Please navigate from the top naviation bar to go to different sections.
Feedback & Query
We welcome your feedback and query. Kindly navigate to the Feedback & Query section (from the top menu) and fill up the form to help us know about your concerns. We shall try to address your questions through this website as well as through email within a reasonable time limit.
List of Minor Papers (Part A) (for 4th Semester FYUGP of Batch 2023, academic session 2024-2025)
List of Minor Papers (Part B) (for 4th Semester FYUGP of Batch 2023, academic session 2024-2025)
Revised FYUGP Syllabus (Updated on 30/Jan/2025)
Revised FYUGP & FYIMP Structure (Updated on 24/Jan/2025)
NEP 2020 Related Notices from NEP Coordination Centre:
Regarding SEC (Skill Enhancement Courses) (01/Feb/2024)
Program Outcome (PO):
Syllabi of Different Programmes (NEP based):
Faculty of Medicine